Well, the Lord is working in very mysterious ways for Brandon and I. Brandon and I have been hoping that we could find a job for him that would provide us a little more stability and a little more freedom from working so much at The Wedding Cottage. We had no idea how this would happen, but we knew that it would have to be after Brandon graduated with his degree. Well, the week he was finishing up his classes Jamie and I were talking and she jokingly said that Greg (her husband) wanted Brandon to come work with him, but that she knew we wouldn't move out there. Why would we not move.... because they are in Friona, Texas, less that 60 miles from the New Mexico border, in a town with 4000 people. But, wouldn't you know that the Lord has a sense of humor! We were talking more about the position, the pay, the benefits, and suddenly we were talking seriously about the possibility. We let the boys talk for awhile, so that we were not planning their lives for them, and when it was all decided, we were moving to Friona... soon!!! Everything has fallen into place. Now, I will not say that our parents are excited for us, they all live within three miles of us now, but all our family agrees that this is an opportunity that we cannot miss. As of today, we are going to try and move the 20th of September, just in time for Friona's Maize Days celebration...a hometown parade and homecoming! What fun!
We are so excited, but we have a lot of packing to do before then. Brandon turned in his two week notice, and we have turned over all of our cakes and photography clients. We are going to continue doing photography in Friona, we are just going to change the name for a fresh start. We picked out Priceless Photography, and we have the website address www.pricelessphototexas.com, but the website isn't up yet. We are hoping to have our new phone numbers this week, and as soon as I have that, the website will go up! We are so very excited about all of this. We know that it will be a BIG change of pace for us... this will be the first time in years that I haven't been employed at all. I am going to possibly try and substitute teach or something, but I doubt I will work full time. That way I can take care of the photography business. I am so very excited about all the opportunities that are coming our way.
We covet your prayers while we transition. Brandon and I are looking forward to a little alone time, weekends off (a novel concept), and time to relax a little. We will post as the process continues. We will miss all of our family and friends in Dallas, but we will be back often to visit our families for holidays and such! Wish us luck!!!!