Sunday, October 21, 2007

A Quick Note about my Mom

Well, we got here and I got to see Momma Saturday morning. Her doctor told my dad that the preliminary results are good. She appears to have inflammation, not tumors or infection, but there is no answer to why. I was expecting her to be weak from surgery and possibly in pain, but she is not really in any pain. I was pretty sad when we left last night, because in the 8 or more hours I was up there, Mom made no progress breathing better. She has been on steroids for 6 days and she is not improving lung/breathing wise at all. I am so very thankful that she is not in pain and that she is feeling better, but she is not improving her breathing at all. She is breathing so shallow, and today the doctor tried to take down her oxygen intake and she had a pretty bad incident just going from the bed to the toilet 2 feet away. She had a good nurse in ICU that would get in her face and tell her to breath slow and deep, and also keep her honest about how she was doing, but her other nurses let her tell them that she is doing great and say things like "you are the best judge of how you are feeling." Really? She thought that her bathroom trip that her oxygen levels dropped so low was her best time up yet?!?! Does that sound like she knows how she is doing?

Please pray for her tonight and tomorrow. She is off of all of her monitors, which is so very scary to me. Now, no one will be alerted if she starts breathing poorly, and they only check her vitals every 8 hours! It is so insane to me that she doesn't have more supervision, and to make it worse, she is the farthest room from the nursing station that is on a different hall from her. I am going to have to trust that the Lord will watch over her and protect her. If not I will go crazy.

Brandon left today to go home, and I will be here until Mom is home and settled, which could be a long time (a week or two). I miss him, and I know it is so selfish and silly, but I hate being away from him. I won't go on and on, I know that my military wife friends would want to strangle me for being such a baby about being away from him. I just haven't been away from him since we got married for more than a day, so this is new and with my mom being so sick I miss him being here to support me.

I will try to post as soon as she comes home. It may be tomorrow. I do not know really what the goal is to get her home. Thanks for all the prayers and emails. They are a comfort beyond what you could imagine.


Raena said...

Just wanted to let you know I'm praying for you and thinking about parents and everyone too! Love you girl! Wish you were closer so I could be there for you. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Hey DeeDee, I'm so sorry to read about your mother. I will certainly lift her up in prayer to the Healer. I know it must be exhausting for you to go through all of this with her. I will also pray for your away time from your hubby. I understand that all too well. It's not easy, I know!

Brooke said...

I'm praying for your mom too. Do not feel bad about missing Brandon. You are comforted by his presence and are entitled to have his support. When that support is over the phone, it can be really hard - especially when the situation is so hard already.